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Space Coast Little League Baseball & Softball Serving Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral

Space Coast Little League Baseball & Softball Serving Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral


We, the SPACE COAST LITTLE LEAGUE (SCLL) Board of directors, have implemented the following Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper role of Parent/Guardian in supporting the youth of our community and their child/children in sports. All Parents/Guardians should read, and understand this form prior to their children participating in our league. 

The essential elements of youth character-building and ethics in sports are the foundations of sportsmanship and are demonstrated by 6 core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship. As a SCLL parent/guardian, I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for each child participating in SCLL by adhering to the following code of conduct:

  1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support at all times. 
  2. I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
  3. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
  4. I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child/children. 
  5. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures. 
  6. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  7. I  will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, color, sex or ability.
  8. I will teach my child that doing one’s best and personal growth matter more than winning. 
  9. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  10. I will respect the officials and their authority during games. 
  11. I will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at any time during games.
  12. I will refrain from using drugs and alcohol on the primacies. 
  13. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.

I understand and agree that if I fail to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth within, I will be subjected to disciplinary action levied by the SCLL Board of Directors. That could include, but is not limited to the following: verbal warning, written warning, suspension for games, suspension for season and/or removal from all league activities. 


As a SPACE COAST LITTLE LEAGUE Player, your responsibilities are simple: be respectful, responsible, play fair, and always do your best. As a SCLL player, I hereby pledge that I will: 

1. Be a team player, supporting my teammates and treating others as I want to be treated. 
2. Always play with my best effort and hustle on and off the field. 
3. Be on time, attend every practice and game that I can, notifying my coaches if I cannot.
4. Work hard to improve my skills. 
5. Do my best to listen and learn from my coaches.
6. Congratulate the opposing team after every game. 
7. Refrain from using violence, unfriendly language, or insults towards others.
8. Be gracious in both victory and defeat.
9. Follow the rules of the game and work for the good of the team.
10. Accept officials' decisions, refraining from challenging or questioning calls.
11. Conduct myself with honor at all times.
12. Respect my property and SCLL property by never throwing equipment. 
13 Always applaud and cheer for my teammates. 

I understand that if I fail to abide by the code of conduct set forth within it could result in verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension from games, suspension from the season and even removal from the league depending on the severity of the violation.


As a representative of SPACE COAST LITTLE LEAGUE (SCLL), you have an important role in the delivery of a successful baseball/softball program to our community and young athletes. In addition to holding and representing yourself to the highest standard.  The following Code of Conduct is in place for the important message it holds in making the proper decisions that are in benefit of the league and representing the league at its highest standard. We ask that you adhere to the following:

1. Continuous learning
Coaches will teach the game of baseball/softball to the best of their ability, but will continually work to improve their own understanding of the skills of the game and how to teach those skills. 

2. Organization and Structure
Coaches will provide organized team practices each week for the development of both team and individual skills and will make full effort to provide practices that are both fun and challenging for the players. 

3. Promoting sportsmanship
Coaches should teach good sportsmanship and model it for their players, regardless of the game's outcome.

4. Treating others with respect
Coaches should treat all players, parents, spectators, and league officials with respect. 

5. Following the rules
Coaches should understand and follow the rules of Little League baseball or softball, as well as any local league rules.

6. Creating a safe environment
Coaches should provide a safe playing environment for their players and ensure that the team atmosphere is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Coaches will not tolerate behavior that endangers the health or well-being of a child.

7. Communicating with parents and players
Coaches should maintain an open line of communication with parents and players.

8. Being a positive role model
Coaches should be a positive role model for their players.

9. Resolving differences civilly
Coaches should handle differences of opinion in a civil manner.

10 Being open to criticism
Coaches should be open to criticism from the public and handle it in a civil manner.

I understand and agree that if I fail to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth within. Disregarding these responsibilities could include, but is not limited to possible removal from SCLL Coaching by Board of Directors majority vote. 

Board of Directors

As a representative of SPACE COAST LITTLE LEAGUE (SCLL) Board of Directors, you have an important role in the delivery of a successful baseball/softball program to our community and young athletes. In addition to holding and representing yourself to the highest standard. The following Code of Conduct is in place for the important message it holds in making the proper decisions that are in benefit of the league and representing the league in your highest standard. It is understood that all Board Members have responsibilities outside of the SCLL. However, we must require a minimum commitment level from each Board Member in order to be successful. 

We ask that you adhere to the following:

1. I will enforce the rules and support decisions that come out of SCLL Board meetings. 
2. I will put the safety of our players, spectators, coaches and umpires first. 
3. My actions and behavior will remain professional and civil at all times. 
4. I understand that as a Board member we must operate as a team to be successful. 
5. I will refrain from speaking negatively about Board Members, Coaches, Parents, Players, Fans or Umpires on and off the little league premises.
6. If I am also a coach, I will not attempt to use my Board Member position to improperly influence the drafting process, the All-Star selection or otherwise use my position to gain an unfair advantage for any child or for my team.
7. I understand that differences of opinions will always exist. When they occur, I will handle and resolve the differences in a civil manner.
8. I understand that I am open to criticism from the public and I will handle it professionally.
9. Attend at least 80% of the Board meetings each year.  
10. Participate in at least 80% of the Board activities each year. 

I acknowledge that if I fail to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth within it could result in removal from the SCLL Board of Directors by majority vote. 


Space Coast Little League Baseball & Softball
Serving Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral 
LL# 03090203 FEIN# 52-1287607, Florida 32932

Email: [email protected]

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