Criteria for selection must be limited to the following:
Selection Process
Player Fee
The announcement of the All-Star/Tournament team(s) cannot be before May 15, the end of the regular league spring season, and not until the availability and eligibility of all prospective team members have been established. Violation may result in revocation of Tournament privileges by the Tournament Committee in Williamsport. (See the current year’s Little League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for the tournament rules, guidelines, and explanations).
Section 1: Eligibility
Section 1a. League Age
Participation in eight (8) regular season games in an age-appropriate division is required. (does not apply to Senior Tournament Team Players) See the current year’s Little League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for the tournament rules, guidelines, and explanations regarding the specific minimum number of games that a player must participate in to establish tournament eligibility; and the division(s) in which a player is age-eligible for selection.
The player’s regular season team must have scheduled and played 12 regular season games prior to the start of tournament play (does not apply to Senior League Tournament Team players).
Section 1b. Residence
As defined in the Little League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies, refers to a place of bona fide continuous habitation by one or both player parents, or legal guardian(s), within a league’s physical boundaries. School Enrollment, as defined in the Little League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies, outlines a player’s eligibility to participate given his/her confirmed attendance at a school within a given league’s physical boundaries during the traditional academic school year. School attendance shall be established indicating a player’s enrollment as of October 1 (of the previous year). Players who do not meet the residency or school eligibility requirements must have approval from Little League International Charter Committee, specifically noting the eligibility of that player for that league and in that year.
Section 2: Availability
All invited All-Stars are expected to take their nomination and commitment seriously. Failure of full participation may affect playing time, as well as the future consideration of a player's All-Star team eligibility. Players and parents must be committed to and available for the entirety of All-Star play. Players who fail to attend practices/games a number of times are subjected to reduction in playing time.
Things to Consider:
Will the candidate be able to practice and play with the team?
Will the player be away on vacation during some or all practices/games? If so, the league may wish to not consider the player for selection.
Section 3: Ability
The opinion of those making the selections is NOT to be based primarily on statistical information. While statistical information could help form the basis for a voter’s opinion, ultimately a voter can vote for any eligible player, for any reason(s). If a vacancy arises, the Board of Directors President will make the determination to fill it, after verification of eligibility.
Section 4: Selection Process
When it comes to All-Star teams, it is the intent of the SCLL to field a team that will best represent our league in competition and character. SCLL believes that it is important to include the players themselves in the selection process and that the process be transparent and fair to all kids. All baseball and softball players need to have an opportunity to make the All-Star team regardless of popularity, parental influence, or manager/coach prejudice. For those that are not selected for the team the details regarding their candidacy shall be held in the strictest of confidence and remain private.
All selection decisions regarding All-Star teams that will be made by the Board, will be made with these Board ideals in mind. These include: Skill-level and ability to compete, attitude, hustle, team spirit, team leadership, and overall character, integrity, and sportsmanship. Winning is fun, but it is very important that we remember that Little League is a Child Development Program and that we are about teaching life lessons, building and demonstrating positive ideals, and characteristics that we hope for all our children.
Section 4a. Managers/Coaches Eligibility
Little league All-Star coaches and managers must meet a number of eligibility requirements including:
Background check: A background check is required that includes a search of the SafeSport and Little League International Ineligible List, as well as criminal records and government sex offender registry data
Trusted Coaches Workshop: candidates must complete the online Trusted Coaches workshop
Conduct: Candidates must have upheld the values of the Little League during the regular season and conducted themselves in an exemplary manner.
Application: Candidates must submit an application that includes their coaching experience, previous All-Star experience, and coaching philosophy.
Diamond Leader Program: Coaches and managers must complete the Little League Diamond Leader Program at least once
Section 4b. All-Star Managers/Coaches selection process:
Any Managers/Coaches from the regular season must apply for the position and be in good standing with SCLL.
All-Star coaches and managers must be able to meet the number of eligibility requirements above.
Any Board of Director member who applies for an All-Star Managers/Coaches position will forfeit their vote for that given age level.
The Board of Directors vote will take place in writing by every elected board member each picking 1 Manager and 1 Coach.
The final determination and selection will be by the President and Coaching Coordinator.
Selection 4c. All-Star Players selection process:
All-Star teams will be considered based on players eligibility, this information will be provided to the SCLL President by the Player Agent.
Each player's parent/guardian who is under nomination for the All-Star program will be contacted and asked to sign a player/parent commitment document. This document explains the commitment necessary to be a part of the All-Star Program. SCLL is striving to field the most competitive All-Star team possible and assure that it is composed of players that represent the commitment we desire. With this in mind, SCLL wishes to involve only parents and players who are committed to the hard work, dedication and practice time that is required to participate at this level of competition. The player and parent commitment to All-Stars must be a solid commitment. All-Star players must bear in mind that their first commitment is to the All-Star team before any other non-Little League team, travel ball team or to any other sports during the All-Star Season. Failure to abide by the commitment document could result in a $100 fine.
Once this roster is compiled it will be distributed to their regular season Managers, Coaches and players and a nomination will take place. A nomination does not mean a selection.
The All-Star team will have a minimum of 10-12 player roster and no more than 14.
Each eligible player will cast a “top 4 players” nomination and they are not able to nominate themselves. A nomination does not mean a selection.
Each regular season Managers and Coaches will cast a “top 10 players” nomination based on the eligible player roster. A nomination does not mean a selection.
The final player roster will be chosen and voted on by the elected All-Star Manager, All-Star Coach, President, Vice President, Player Agent and Coaching Coordinator.
Section 5: Player Fee
The All-Star player fee will be between $0 - $100 per child which provides for the uniform (shirt, pants, socks, belt and hat), with the remaning going to the league registration and tournament fees. Depending on SCLL financial standing at that given time will determine the All-Star player fee and if Financial Assistance opportunities are available for use, but is not limited to specific All-Star sponsorship donations.
Created by: SCLL President, Kameron Krempel
Created on Date: October 26, 2024
Voted on by the BoD: December 5, 2024