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Space Coast Little League Baseball & Softball Serving Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral

Space Coast Little League Baseball & Softball Serving Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the age for each division?

 2. When does the season start and end?

  • We have (3) league season throughout the calendar year:
  • Spring - March to May. We start registrations in late November, and practices in mid/late January. Spring Ball is considered more competitive, we keep score and standings.
  • All Star - June/July. All Star teams are highly competitive. Designated age groups are: 9-10 and 11-12. You have to have played at least half of Spring Ball to be considered for All Stars. All Star team roster is chosen by the All Star team manager.
  • Fall - September to November. We start registrations in July. Fall Ball is considered more instructional. No scores or standings.

3. Where do we play and practice?

We have two different home team playing locations which can be either of the following:
  • Canaveral City Park in Cape Canaveral, Florida  7920 Orange Ave, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
  • Cocoa Beach Ball Fields (behind Roosevelt Elementary and Skate Park) 1500 Minuteman Causeway, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

As the smallest league in District 22, we are often inter-leaguing with other local little leagues to provide a full schedule of games for our kids. Since 2011, we have signed contacts to play away and home games against the following leagues:

  • Merritt Island, FL - Merritt Island Little League
  • Cocoa, Fl - Cocoa Little League
  • Rockledge, FL - Rockledge Little League
  • Sharpes, FL - Port St. John Little League

Please feel free to visit the Field Directory for a better idea of travel times and distance from your home.

4. What is the frequency of practices and games?

5. What equipment does a player need?

That's a common question asked by many parents and players entering Little League for the first time. Players will need to provide their own:
  •  Rubber molded cleats
  •  Protective cups for all male Rookie, Minors, Majors and Junior division players
  •  Approved Batting Helmet (optional, but recommended)
  •  Bats (optional)
  •  Baseball/Softball Glove/Mitt
In general, SCLL will provide:
  • Catching gear
  • Bats
  • Batting helmets, however many players prefer to have their own and we recommend that as well for sanitary reasons.
  • Game Balls
  • Practice Ball
  • "T"  for T-Ball
  • Team bags for catcher gear and bats
  • Bucket
  • Assess to Cocoa Beach Ball Park pitching machine, batting cage and other hitting tools

6. Which bats can I use?

If anyone has questions about what type of equipment to purchase (type of glove or bat) it is a great idea to approach your coach with those questions or email [email protected]. There are additional requirements in terms of bat sizing that are strictly enforced and can be found here: Approved Bats. Here are a few tips from Louisville Slugger:
  • Weight: As a general rule, bigger, stronger players usually prefer a heavier bat for maximum power. Smaller players usually benefit from a lighter bat that allows greater bat speed. To determine the weight that’s right for you, swing a variety of bats and see how much weight you’re comfortable with.
  • Length: Length and weight combine for peak performance. A longer bat gives you greater reach, allowing you to hit balls on the other side of the plate. But remember that a longer bat may be heavier, and the extra weight could slow you down. Like checking the weight, you need to swing bats of different lengths to decide what length best suits you.
  • Barrel diameter: Most players 12 and under should use a 2 1/4” barrel. This is the standard barrel size for Little League baseball. Anything bigger is considered to be a 'big barrel' bat and not legal for Little League baseball games.

7. Where can I purchase baseball cleats, cups, pants and socks?

Additional baseball pants and socks may be purchased from local retailers such as  Dicks Sporting Goods, who is a proud sponsor and business partner with the Space Coast Little League.  It is a good idea to have practice pants and socks so that you can keep your game pants and socks clean for game days.When selecting pants, you may select the grey color as it can also be used for games. Socks color will depend on the team colors, so it may be best to wait until after you receive the team uniform.

Alternatively, they may also be purchased from Walmart and Target

8. How can I support the Space Coast Little League?

This league is driven by volunteers from board members to managers, coaches to team moms. In addition, local and national business sponsors all contribute to fundraising. This helps us keep registration fees low.

Please visit the Downloadable Forms section for a form if you would like to sponsor and donate to the Space Coast Little League.

If you would like to donate your time as a volunteer several upcoming events or donate equipment, please email : [email protected].


Space Coast Little League Baseball & Softball
Serving Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral 
LL# 03090203 FEIN# 52-1287607, Florida 32932

Email: [email protected]

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